Tuesday, September 11, 2018

5 Easy Ways To Discover New ICOs and Cryptocurrencies

If you are looking to invest in the next big cryptocurrency you'll know that picking the right one is a major headache. Whilst the success stories of Bitcoin and Ethereum have filled your everyman with the belief that if he just gets in on the ground floor he's bound to cash out big, there are countless other ICOs and cryptocurrencies that have fallen flat on their faces.

Finding a method to quickly scan the current digital market for what is on offer and keeping your ear to the ground means you have a much higher chance of putting your money behind the next big thing. We've put together a go-to list of the best tools and practices that will keep you ahead of the crowd.


Ico-check.com is a fantastic resource, it's an ICO cryptocurrency list that details the ins and outs of the market. It's an exhaustive tool that will provide you with the in-depth information on all the ongoing, past and upcoming ICOs on the market. Listing those that are going to presale and those that are already at the crowdsale stage means you can be sure to be kept in the loop and get involved with whichever cryptocurrency takes your fancy at the earliest and cheapest possible juncture.

By comparing the hot new kids on the block with those that have performed well in the past you can get a better idea for the shape of the market. The wealth of information, data, and statistics provided by ICO-Check can at first be intimidating but once you know what you're looking for, it's a faultless fortune maker, which ensures that you have everything you need to perform due diligence on your next big investment.

Top ICO List

Top ICO List is a benchmark against which most other ICO cryptocurrency list websites compare themselves against. It's another brilliant example of providing potential investors with all the information they need in order to quickly scan through upcoming and ongoing ICO sales to find the one that most appeals or best fits their portfolio. It has an incredibly intuitive and easy-to-use UI that provides the visitor with multiple different ways of organizing the list and prioritizing different niches or types of ICO sale.


If an ICO cryptocurrency list is your trader's tips on which stock you should invest in, then CoinGecko is the screen looming over the stock market providing all the up to date changes. Providing real-time tracking of the rises and falls of all currently live cryptocurrencies, if you keep your finger on this pulse, you'll be able to sell before a peak breaks or cash out early if you see a downward trend. As an added bonus, it also reports on how active the community behind the cryptocoin is and whether the developers are still backing stock or if they've pulled out, which is usually a bad sign.

ICO Bench

Another indispensable tool, ICO Bench is a crowdsourced rating system that ranks the various ICOs on offer and can be an excellent helping hand in choosing stock options. It takes an initial scoring from various industry experts and professional crypto traders and then combines this with a standard score from an automated algorithm.


Similar to CoinGecko, Cryptowatch allows you to track currency and is best utilized after you've already invested in a cryptocoin to be kept abreast of its valuation. It provides a great deal of information and the fact that you can track your coin against real-world currency helps you make easy choices when it comes to investing.

So there you have it, our pick of the five most useful tools on the market. Use them wisely and let us know if you find any other websites worth noting in future lists.

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